Malta: A Childhood Under Siege

I’m very excited to tell all my readers that I’ve just published a book.

No, it’s not a cook book – maybe next time.

Malta: A Childhood Under Siege is a memoir about my mother growing up in Malta during the Second World War, when her father was posted there from Britain with the Royal Engineers. That’s my Mum in the middle in red.

There are of course a few recipes, slotted in between the stories.

The book is available on various platforms which sell books although it’s worth comparing prices between them. More details about the book, and a list of vendors click is available online. If you live in Canberra you can buy it from me or from Paperchain Bookstore in Manuka, The Book Cow in Kingston or the Australian War Memorial shop.

2 thoughts on “Malta: A Childhood Under Siege

  1. My Father RN .We lived in Sliema.
    I was 5vwhen war broke out.Hearing the air rair warning and the 3d flag bring hoisted on the Island.My brother and I every night with our deck chairs walking to the underground shelter near the church.All night sleeping in our deckchairs. We went byourselves as there were 2 other siblings that my mother cared fir.My Father worked in the Admiral’s office so knew everything going on.Food was very scarce.
    I remember queuing up with a big pout for watery soup. My Father buying chicken feet and getting eggs Iin exchange..
    One nightwear dud not ho to the shelter firxwhst ever reason but stsy4d under the stairs praying I might add.We heard all the 5humpin on the flat roof and fearing it might be German parachutist my FATHER got out his revolversand approached the door opening to our flat roof to find d the huge lumps 0f shrapnel!. Many stories I can relate. We kept Malta middle of 1941 flying very low to avoid radar.Manybtskes after that before we reack3d OK.
    I’m now nearly 89 but can remember clearly what itc was like.

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